RabbitMQ Exchange with Docker in .NET
This is the second article from a series of four about RabbitMQ Exchange
in .NET. In the first part of this article, the fundamentals and the types of the Exchange
will be presented. And in the second part, each line of code will be explained about how the Exchange
it will be created. The first article, https://stefanescueduard.github.io/2020/02/29/rabbitmq-producer-with-docker-in-dotnet/, contains a short introduction into RabbitMQ concepts, the Environment setup with Docker and Producer
creation in .NET.
The RabbitMQ Exchange
is used to route the messages received from the Producer
and sending them to the Queue
based on the routing key
key and binding key
. Those two keys were explained in the first article, so if you want to find the explanation behind them, read the first article.
An Exchange
can be one of these four types:
Direct Exchange
send messages to theQueues
that have thebinding key
the same as therouting key
2. Fanout Exchange
send messages to all the Queues
, in an indiscriminate way. It uses the Publish-Subscribe Pattern, which means that all Queues
that are subscribed to an Exchange
will receive the message, like a newsletter. Also, it will not take into account the binding
or the routing
3. Topic Exchange
send messages to the Queues
using a pattern. The pattern can contain *
or #
. The first wildcard *
means that it can match any word, and the second one #
represents that no word is expected in that place. For example, if there are three Queues
, and each one expects to get a 'word' based on the binding key
, as follows:
- Queue1 > word1._._
- Queue2 > _.word2._
- Queue3 > _._.word3
If the Producer
sends the message word1.word2.word3
, each Queue
will receive only the expected message. A real-life example for this type of Exchange
can be the different levels of logging (i.e. the errors and warns can be sent to the Database, and the info ones sent to a file).
4. Headers Exchange
send messages based on a header, this header is represented by a required property x-match
and one or more properties that will be bound to the Queue
like a routing-key
. This type of Exchange
is useful when the message should follow the header values and not the routing keys
. It’s also associated with the Topic Exchange
, but it’s much more flexible, with the disadvantage that the message should be an object.
A topology can have multiple Exchanges
connected to the multiple Producers
and Queues
, as in the example below, made using http://tryrabbitmq.com.
Short explanation, the Producers
can be seen as Clients, the Queues
as Buffers or as Preprocessor and the Consumers
are the applications that receive the messages. In this example the Clients can be considered as a mobile application that sent two requests to the server in order to persist some data, the Buffers are like a middleware which scan the data, and the Consumers
are different storages that save the data based on its file type.
Creating the Exchange
This project only covers the first tree Exchange
types (i.e. Direct, Fanout and Topic), because the Header type is a little more special I want to make another article just for it.
This, like the rest of the projects, is a Console Application. First of all, the user is asked which of Exchange
wants to create:
Then the connection to the RabbitMQ Server is created using the URI.
In the first article, the connection is created by specifying each property needed. Here the URI
consists of following parts: the first one is the protocol used, in this case, AMQP
, then the username
and the password
, and the last section is the hostname
or the IP
of the RabbitMQ server. The URI
can also contain the port, here the default one is 5672.
The ConnectionTimeout
is set to the maximum value because the application is desired to run indefinitely, and this value is used to bypass the connection time out.
In order to establish the connection between our machine and the RabbitMQ Server, the stream must be opened, and through this stream, the information is sent using a Channel.
The exchange name will have the same name for all four projects but is just for this article presentation purposes. On line 6 a safety deletion is executed in order, to ensure that on the next line when the Exchange will be created, there is no other Exchange
with the same name. The ExchangeDeclare
method will create an instance of an Exchange
based on what type of Exchange
the user has chosen.
Prompting the definition result
On the last section of the code, the user is informed that the required Exchange
was created. You may notice that I didn't do any type of exception handling, that's because it's only for this article presentation. But in a real-world application, I recommend to implement a strong exception handling system and make the other services involved aware if that happens.
The result
Let’s create a Direct Exchange
, which will also appear on the RabbitMQ Management plugin.
And now let’s check the Management Exchange page.
As is showed in this page the test-exchange
was created with the type that the user wanted and is ready to be used.
On the test-exchange
dashboard, there a message can be published, as we did in the first article with the Producer
. I will demonstrate both ways of publishing the messages in the last article, where the entire system will be connected. And also the Exchange
can be deleted.
Because the topology currently doesn’t have connected all needed components, on the Message rates
the Idle
message is displayed, but we'll see that after the entire system is running, there will be a chart that will show the messages flow, as Publish (In) and Publish (Out).
All the code from the entire solution is available on my Github account: https://github.com/StefanescuEduard/RabbitMQ_POC. But stay close because in the next articles I will explain the core concepts about each RabbitMQ node.
Thanks for reading this article, if you find it interesting please share it with your colleagues and friends. Or if you find something that can be improved please let me know.
Originally published at https://stefanescueduard.github.io on March 7, 2020.